Cooking with Herbs and Spices


Cooking with herbs and spices brings out the flavor of the food. It not only enhances but also gives it a rich, aromatic, exotic taste to our palette. Spices are also beneficial to health such as garlic and ginger. Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, start anise are exquisitely aromatic and a mixture of these spices added to any soup warms up the body on a cold winter evening. Herbs create the aroma that dazzles our senses. Cooking should be an experience. Both in taste as well as in smell, texture and nutrition. Spices and herbs are essential part of cooking. But not all spices can be used for every dish. Some is suitable for specific herbs and spices and some aren’t. Some dishes need more spices for a strong spicy taste and some need subtle taste but enhanced flavor.

Experiment with variety of spices and see which are your favorite go to spices. Do you have a spice box in your kitchen cabinet or a spice rack? if not, why not? You can get the basics spices (check our shop for spices and herbs) to get started. Have a few main spices and use it sparingly at first to get a feel for how much to use. I cook mostly without measurement, its eyeball and intuition that works most of the time for me. You can do that too with practice. I was born in a family where great cooking was a skill me and my siblings inherited from both of my parents. My mom used to cook mostly, my Dad also did not as much but he had an excellent sense of taste so he guided mom on the subtleties of her cooking that she worked on to perfection over the years. When I was growing up, I didn’t pay much interest in cooking or domestic work. My mom was my inspiration as she domesticated me when during summer breaks. Even though I complained but she wouldn’t hear of it. She used to say, a lady must know how to manage a home. I didn’t pay attention but years later while living alone, I realized I actually know how to cook. I was trying to replicate mom’s cooking so I’d visualize how I want the dish to come out after cooking, I imagine the taste and then the rest comes naturally. You have that too in you. And when you are able to create what you visualized the look and the taste will be like, you will enjoy cooking.

Knowing how to use variety of herbs and spices will help you get curious in cooking experimentation that you and your family will love. Its a lot of joy seeing your family and friends enjoy when they taste your cooking. You can schedule an appointment with me and I’ll show you step by step how to use all these spices and herbs. You can cook with me in real time where you can see how I’m using the spices, all my cooking techniques and I can give you feedback. You will be cooking amazing food with herbs and spices in no time. Start eating healthy home cooking food, nothing beats this. Cooking is a lifetime skill. It is well worth the investment in learning how to cook.